Whattaya mean by strategy?

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Hey there - I’m going to start using my newsletter once a week to share short form, easy to use content around connecting vision and systems through strategy. It’ll be geared mostly towards founders & entrepreneurs and it will be the best place to get updates on my offerings (including the free ones!) as more of them become available. Can you do me a favor? Could you forward this to 1 or 2 people who might find it valuable? This allows me to reach more leaders so that I can grow my business and help them grow theirs. Thanks, friend. On to the good stuff.

Whattaya mean by strategy?

I’ve gotten different versions of this question a lot in the last few weeks. (Probably because the word is so overused it’s basically meaningless but that’s for another day.) “Strategy” can feel too abstract or maybe like something you don’t have time to work on because you’re busy - ya know - running a business.

Here’s my very simple working definition: A strategy is a plan to use a tool to get to a certain place. A few key things:

  • It’s intentional. In contrast to organic growth or even accidental success a strategy is done on purpose.

  • It uses one or more tools. In your intentionality you’re identifying what resources you’ll need. This could include tech tools, collaborators, specific channels or methods.

  • This is the most important one. It takes you to a specific place. You can’t make a roadmap to nowhere. THE most important thing you need to make a sound strategy is to know where you want the thing to take you.

I meant it when I said this is a working definition. Let me know how this lands with you! If there’s something I missed or you have a question - reply and let me know!

How to use this:

  1. When you’re calculating how to move towards your vision, get super specific about what that is. The more you know about what it looks like, the more of it you can do intentionally. What details have you left undefined?

  2. What guardrails do you need? Your workflows should protect your vision by making it difficult for you to move off center. If there are places you tend to be drawn off course, what systems or tools would help make that more difficult?

Strategy Study Hall

Scheduled for August 28th! Join me and invite your friends as we troubleshoot the nitty gritty of building more impact with less friction. We’ll have my impact integration framework on hand as we talk through what’s working and talk through questions.

Speaking of Impact Integration…

These free workshops kicked off a couple weeks ago and they are my new favorite thing. 2 hours of value packed deep dive into your vision, strategy, and systems. I only have one or two a week and filling up!

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