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- The Fancy Framework in action
The Fancy Framework in action
surprise, surprise, Laura made a chart
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The Framework
It will surprise exactly 0 people to know that I’ve made a chart to represent my framework. It’s almost embarrassingly simple but it’s proven to be incredibly effective in helping founders diagnose what’s missing for them.
I’ve been referring to these as impact drivers that, when connected, are primary ways to create alignment - more impact and less friction.
This is the business you daydream about. It’s your “why” - the thing you hope changes in the world because of the work you do.
My clients aren’t short on vision. But for reasons I talk about often, I spend a lot of time guiding founders to be pickier, more specific, and more conscious of what this is.
If vision is the why, this is the how. It’s how you get from where you are today to the daydream version. Some founders have a game plan in mind. (Do they stick to it? Meh.) Lots of others are pretty fuzzy on how to connect their vision to the day-to-day work.
You have these whether you mean to or not. This is how you get things done. This includes everything from the platforms you use to the workflows you follow (often subconsciously) to do every single thing in your business.
When one of these drivers is missing or not aligned, friction appears in a few different ways. Here’s some I’ve seen:
Without intentional or aligned systems, work feels scattered and chaotic. Lack of shared systems can result in messy communication across team members and create tension. Founders (both with and without teams) can feel shame about productivity or like they have notes & to-do’s in too many places. |
Because they do have clarity around vision and strategy, these teams actually do have a shot at achieving their vision. But it’s likely to be a very bumpy ride.
With aligned systems but disconnected strategy, work can feel pretty aimless. Tasks are completed and teams are “productive” but they’re likely discouraged that their efforts aren’t generating progress. Team members & leaders alike doubt their competence and feel defeated. |
Teams and solopreneurs in this situation have some chance of achieving their vision but usually exert a disproportionate amount of effort to get there.
Strategy plus systems devoid of vision creates an arduous work environment. Business moves like a well oiled machine but any impact achieved is incidental. Teams and leaders can become uninspired and quickly feel skeptical that their work is valuable. |
This is the saddest scenario for me because most often these leaders do have some kind of vision; but they’re not going to get there because they aren’t even moving towards it. They’re very discouraged high achievers.
How to use this:
Which of these scenarios do you most identify with? I’d love to hear from you if one stands out or resonates with an experience you’ve had.
What actions can you take to bolster the impact driver that’s weakest in your business? Look for specific, achievable shifts you can make.
Events and Free Stuff:
Now live! Sales Boosting Book Club!
Starting September 19th, I’m teaming up with Brandon from Small Axe Sales to offer an expert led book club on “Go Givers Sell More”. If sales gives you the ick, this is a a great chance to learn and apply a simple value-based framework at an accessible price point. We’ll cover a wide range of tools & approaches to get you started. Limited spaces available.
Strategy Workshop [Free!]
On September 25th at 11 EST all online community members (that’s you!) are invited to drop in and talk through your tensions as you move towards more impact with less friction. We’ll start with the “How to use this” 👆sections from the past month and then open it up for questions.
Impact Integration Work Sessions
If the questions above were helpful and you want to dig in more - or if you have other strategy sticking points, book a free work session where we deep dive into your vision, strategy, and systems. I have 1 or 2 slots a week for these free, 1.5-2 hr sessions.
This cool thing I found
Resources & products I’ve loved or recommended lately:
You know how you have that one friend who asks you questions they could easily just google? Let Me Google That For You is the snarky tool you need when you’re ready to drop them the hint.
My chiropractor told me I needed to elevate my computer screen immediately so I’ve been using this laptop stand to save my neck. Highly recommend.
Got a cool thing you found? Send it to me! I’d love to share your finds.
I’m Laura Green - a strategist helping growth minded founders do more of the work they dreamed of. My work focuses on using systems & strategies to find more impact and less friction. I love charts, good beer, and nerdy nature books. When I’m not spinning up spreadsheets, you can find me gardening, hanging with my wonderfully wild kids, or sneaking in a nap. ✌️
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