- More Impact. Less Friction
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- # 3 - the juiciest
# 3 - the juiciest
strategies you need to grow - pt 3
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Time for number 3!
If you’re just joining, this series is keeping things even leaner and more practical than usual so we can limit our inbox time and still squeeze in some goal setting and reflecting. I’m walking through the 4 strategies I use to plan for aligned growth. So far we’ve covered “stabilize” (the first step for fairly obvious reasons) and “expand” (everybody’s go to). Strategy of this week: Deepen.
On Going Deeper
Going deeper is where impact really gets juicy and, in my opinion, it's usually the best bang for our buck. When we start and end with “expansion” goals, we leave the good stuff on the table. You get to decide what “the good stuff” means here - impact on your community, revenue for your business, or ideally both. When we strategize about going deeper, we’re looking at how to leverage the value of what we’re already doing.
Instead of adding “more” (like we did with expansion goals) going deeper focuses on maximizing what’s already on the table and allows us to accelerate progress towards your vision.
Can you beef up the value of the services you already offer so that you could charge more and increase the benefit to your clients? Can you deepen your relationships with partners, collaborators, or past clients to increase impact and drive business growth in the process? Are there new ways you could support current clients to provide longer lasting or more profound outcomes on the problems you already address for them?
One quick note before we get to work. It can be tricky to go wider and deeper at the same time so I actually suggest looking at your “expansion” strategies separately from your “deepen” strategies. In the prompts that follow, I actually don't want you to look at the strategies that you came up with last week to expand your work.
How to put this to work:
Jot down each type of client you serve and each of your product or service types.
General categories work best here.
For each one of those, consider what it means to provide more value or impact to that person or through that service.
It’ll be easiest to start with the end result here. What would it mean for your clients?
Now that you’ve imagined the outcome, evaluate what you’d need to change about your work to achieve that.
Make a quick list of the changes this would require.
Start with the easiest to implement and create action items for each one.
Deepen impact in one area at a time, starting with the biggest return on your effort.
This Cool Thing I Found
Events, free stuff, or cool links I’ve found lately. May contain affiliate or partner links.
💡Start Something
“Start Something”, written by Pame Barba, is a weekly-ish guide for innovative humans who want to take action & create a better future. That’s you! Pame is my friend and fellow Atlanta Solopreneur and entrepreneurship is literally in her blood! I can depend on her newsletter for quick, relatable, and encouraging content for those of us creating something new.
📈 Chatr
If you need a scroll break this week, check out Chartr, a fascinating peek at data storytelling. A reliable source for a Christmas Dinner fun fact or a reason to tune out your rambling family member. You’re welcome.
I’m Laura Green - a strategist empowering creative leaders to build businesses they love. My work focuses on crafting actionable insights, scalable strategies, and proven systems to find more impact and less friction. I want you to have the clarity, confidence, and energy to make good stuff happen, to drive profit, and to get back to doing the work you love. As for me - I love charts, good beer, nerdy nature books, and sneakers. When I’m not spinning up spreadsheets, you can find me gardening, hanging with my wonderfully wild kids, or sneaking in a nap. ✌️